University Hospitals Cleveland

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Forget gravity and think like a 5-year-old: Priceline co-founder’s 6 ideas for embedding innovation in healthcare

“We’re doing fine” are the three most dangerous words in business, according to entrepreneur Jeff Hoffman. He’s co-founded several companies, including, whose stock broke through the $1,000-per-share barrier last month. As you can probably guess, the company didn’t get there just by being content with itself. While it’s often hard enough just getting through […]

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Harrington drug discovery project’s first grants will fund cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s research

The first grants from a first-of-its-kind, $250 million drug discovery initiative based at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland will fund research projects in a broad spectrum of areas from cancer and diabetes to ALS and liver regeneration. The Harrington Discovery Institute, the nonprofit leg of the Harrington Project for Discovery & Development, announced […]

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University Hospitals touts new $250M drug development model

Don’t tell University Hospitals that the valley of death doesn’t exist for biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies The Cleveland-area health system has launched a new $250 million project that it’s touting as something that could become a national model for developing promising drugs and bringing them to market. The aim of the new Harrington Project for […]


University Hospitals Eye Institute awarded $5M donation

A new $5 million donation to University Hospitals Eye Institute will enable the Cleveland hospital to expand its treatment and research into diabetic and age-related eye diseases. The gift will help University Hospitals (UH) expand services to patients and purchase imaging instruments to study retinal diseases, The Plain Dealer reported. The donation comes from the […]